Student Representative 

Leesi George-Komi
Leesi George-Komi2024-2025 Student Representative

Student Advisory Council

Samantha D’Agostino
Samantha D’AgostinoUniversity of Windsor
Elham Alijanpour
Elham AlijanpourOld Dominion University
Kathryn Riis
Kathryn RiisAuburn University
Kayleigh Hart
Kayleigh HartUniversity of Tennessee
Taylor Rowe
Taylor RoweBrock University


NASPSPA Outstanding Student Paper Award

If you are interested in submitting your paper for the Outstanding Student Paper submit your documents to the Dropbox Folder links below.

If you are having any issues, please contact the NASPSPA Past-President Anne Cox (

  • Sport and Exercise Psychology Applicants please upload files here.
  • Motor Learning and Control Applicants please upload files here.
  • Motor Development Applicants please upload files here.


  1. To recognize meritorious research by student members of NASPSPA.
  2. To foster research by student members of NASPSPA.


  • At the time of the award application, the applicant must be a currently enrolled student (not post-doctoral fellow) and a member of NASPSPA. The student may have graduated by the time of receiving the award but should be an enrolled student at the time of application.
  • Students may submit for the award more than once and are eligible to receive the award more than once.
  • The application for this award must be made by a single student (i.e., not a group of students), and describe research that was primarily conducted by that student, even though there may be co-authors who are also listed on presentations or publications resulting from this research.
  • The student must have selected the Outstanding Student Paper checkbox during the abstract submission.

Nature of the Award

Successful student authors of the Outstanding Student Paper will receive a certificate of award, the registration fee for the NASPSPA conference will be waived, and they will receive a $200 honorarium. The honorarium will be paid at the time of the annual conference by the secretary/treasurer either by check or PayPal. An award may be given in each of the three conference program areas, but the research should be of very high quality so three awards may not be given each year. Student winners will be acknowledged at the conference Business and Awards meeting.

Method of Selection

  1. The selection committee for a given program area consists of at least two of the Area Program Committee members. The Area Program Chair coordinates the review of applications and, if necessary, breaks ties.
  2. The Area Program Chair distributes award applications to the selection committee. Selection committee members independently evaluate which, if any, applications are sufficiently meritorious in meeting the award criteria to warrant recognition. Selection committee members then each rank the proposals that meet this threshold and submit rankings to the Area Program Chair. Committee members do not rank applications if there is a conflict of interest (e.g., current or former advisees) and inform the Area Program Chair accordingly. The Area Program Chair assembles the rankings and if necessary initiates a discussion among selection committee members to settle upon the top ranked application. The Area Program Chair will communicate the outcome of the decision-making process to the Past President and Executive Director and provide feedback to all applicants who did not receive the award. The Past President and Area Program Chair will jointly inform the winner of the Outstanding Student Paper Award (see template letter). Once notified, the winner will be asked to provide the names of their advisor, department chair, dean and provost (or equivalent administrators) and the Past President and Area Program Chair will send a letter recognizing their student’s award (see template letter).
  3. Students applying for the Outstanding Student Paper Award must:
    • Submit a short abstract through the web portal by the conference abstract submission deadline (January 19th). During the process of submitting the abstract for the conference, the student also needs to answer “yes” to the question of whether they are applying for the Outstanding Student Paper Award in the web portal.
    • Submit a long abstract by January 29th. Student applicants must submit a long abstract (no longer than 5 pages double-spaced, 12-pt. font, including figures, but excluding title page and references) in a single PDF file using the links above according to your program area. The links should bring you to a Dropbox submission portal (if you are having issues please contact Past-President Anne Cox, This abstract should include: 1) a brief introduction highlighting the significance of the study; 2) the research question(s);  3) methods; 4) results (including selected figures if appropriate); and 5) a discussion of the findings and their significance to the literature and/or theory, and/or professional practice, and/or policy. Deadline is January 29, 2025, ten days following the abstract submission deadline of the Annual Conference. Name the file “last name_program area (MD/MLC/SEP)_StudentPaperAward. For example, “Smith_MD_Student PaperAward”.

A letter of nomination for the award must be written by the graduate student’s advisor indicating why this student’s research is worthy of the Outstanding Student Paper Award. This letter should: 1) indicate that the applicant is a current student; 2) highlight why this student’s research is worthy of the Outstanding Student Paper Award; 3) address the award criteria; 4) provide a statement that the student had human ethics approval for the study; and 5) include a statement indicating that the majority of the work undertaken for this research was completed by the student. In the case of multi-authored publications, the advisor should indicate the individual contributions of each author and specifically the unique contribution of the student. This letter must be submitted using the links above according to your program area. The links should bring you to a Dropbox submission portal (if you are having issues please contact Past-President Anne Cox, Name the file “student last name_program area (MD/MLC/SEP)_AdvisorLetter. For example, “Smith_MD_AdvisorLetter”. Deadline is January 29, 2025.

Criteria for selection

  1. The study is innovative adding knew knowledge to the field, methods are rigorous, the findings provide new insights, and the study has impact and implications to the literature/theory/professional practice/policy.
  2. The researcher observed appropriate standards for the treatment of participants. That is, a statement certifying that ethical treatment of participants was followed in conducting this research should be included.
  3. At the time of the award application, the applicant is a currently enrolled student (not post-doctoral fellow) and a member of NASPSPA.
  4. Supervisor letter has been submitted attesting to the research being the applicant’s primary work.
  5. Submissions will be evaluated on the above criteria using the following rubric:

Evaluate each criteria from (1) poor to (5) excellent.

  1. Innovation of the study and research questions – have the main findings or applications been published previously? Research questions, results and interpretations add new knowledge to science in the respective field.
  2. Rigor of methods – is the experimental design sound and appropriate for the stated purpose of the study? Are the methods and analysis appropriate and sufficiently clear to be readily repeated by other scientists? Methods are rigorous and follow best practices for science in the respective field.
  3. Significance of findings – does the paper report important findings that add to the body of scientific knowledge? Study results provide new insights and fill gaps in the literature for science in the respective field.
  4. Impact – are the theoretical, practical, or policy applications of the study clear and concise? Study provides insights that inform application of results.
Rate each criteria 1 to 5
Submission Innovation of study Rigor of methods Significance of findings Impact Ethical standards Supervisor letter Feedback
A Yes/no Yes/no
B Yes/no Yes/no
C Yes/no Yes/no

Graduate Student Research Grant


To promote and support the scholarly activity of graduate student members of NASPSPA.


Students must be current members of NASPSPA to be eligible to apply for an award, and must also be currently enrolled in a Masters or Doctoral program at the time of application. Note: Collaborative projects among two or more student members of NASPSPA can be considered for receipt of this award. Students may be awarded the grant only once, regardless of whether they received it as the sole applicant or as part of a group.

Nature of the Grant

The maximum of each grant will be $2,000, with the number of grants awarded annually based on the current NASPSPA budget. The grant money must be used for activities directly related to conducting the proposed research (e.g., equipment, travel for data collection, participant recruitment) that are specified in the application budget. Grant money may not be used for conference travel. Funds can be received in one of two ways: (1) To receive awarded funds in advance of conducting the project, a recipient’s institution or department must agree to manage the funds on their behalf. The recipient’s advisor should write a letter to this effect that is included in the original grant application. Funds will be sent directly to the institution or department business office contact person. On August 31 of the year following the grant announcement, the institution or department business office is required to send the Executive Director an accounting of expenditures and to return any unspent funds. (2) Alternatively, recipients may request direct reimbursement for expenses following completion of the project. Appropriate receipts for expenditures must be sent to the Executive Director by August 31 of the year following the grant announcement. Grantees are expected to present the findings of their research at a future NASPSPA Annual Conference, no later than two conferences following the grant announcement. Grantees must acknowledge NASPSPA as a funding source in this presentation as well as any other presentations or publications stemming from the research project. Any publications stemming from work related to this grant will be sent to the Executive Director. Wording for the acknowledgement shall be: “This research was supported by a grant from the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA).”

Method of Selection

  1. The Graduate Student Awards Committee will evaluate applications, determine who will receive the award, and provide feedback to all applicants.
  2. The applicant should submit the following materials to the Executive Director as a single PDF file:
    1. An outline of the proposed study of up to 5 pages (not including title page and references), detailing the purpose, method, and analysis (double-spaced, 12-point font).
    2. Verification of Institutional Research Ethics Review Board (or equivalent) approval.
    3. An estimated budget for allocation of funds on research-related costs that cannot be covered by other means.
    4. A curriculum vitae of up to 2 pages.
  3. The graduate student advisor should send to the Executive Director:
    1. A recommendation letter indicating why the student’s research is worthy of the grant and the student’s ability to carry out the role of principal investigator.
    2. A statement that the budget has been evaluated and approved by the advisor, and that either (1) the home department or institution is willing to manage the funds for the amount that NASPSPA awards to the student, or (2) the student will submit receipts for reimbursement after completion of the project.

Criteria for Evaluating the Grant Application

  1. The research question should be original, innovative, and important, and must conform to the purpose of NASPSPA.
  2. The research shall have Institutional Review Board (or equivalent) approval. Evidence of approval will be required before funds are dispersed.
  3. The applicant must be the primary investigator on the research project.
  4. Students must demonstrate the potential benefits to their education and future collaboration prospects.

Other Clarifications

This award does not include funds for indirect costs to the university. Information about the grant will appear in the Newsletter.

Submission Deadline

Grant proposals and graduate advisor letters are due by April 1. The applicants will be notified of the results of the competition no later than June 1.

Graduate Student Award for International Conference Travel


To foster international research experiences for student members of NASPSPA.

Eligibility and deadlines

Students must be current members of NASPSPA to be eligible to apply for an award, and must also be currently enrolled in a Masters or Doctoral program at the time of application. The type of international travel is for presenting a paper at a conference outside of North America. There will be three competitions a year (September 30, January 31 and May 31). Students may receive the award only once.

Nature of the Award

The travel could be conducted up to one year after having received notification of the award. Up to $700 will be provided once the Secretary-Treasurer of NASPSPA has received receipts associated with the travel. Reimbursement will be provided by the secretary/treasurer within 14 days of receipt.The recipients of the award should write a paragraph for the NASPSPA newsletter describing their experiences. The award will not necessarily be presented at each competition. In the event that an award is not given during a particular competition, the unclaimed award(s) will be carried forward and be available in the following competition within that year. A maximum of three (3) awards will be awarded during any single calendar year. Finally, the student is required to recognize the award and NASPSPA at the presentation of the research at the international conference. Wording for the acknowledgment shall be: “Travel to this conference was supported by a grant for international travel provided by the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA). For more information, refer to the NASPSPA website: ” Only the approved NASPSPA logo may be used on any presentation at the international conference.

Method of Selection

  1. The Graduate Student Awards Committee will consist of one representative from each area (motor development, motor control/learning, sport and exercise psychology) who will serve for three (3) calendar years. This committee will evaluate applications and determine who will receive the award. The President will recruit individuals to serve on this Committee, avoiding conflicts of interest. The President will notify the Executive Director of the winners of the award.
  2. The applicant should submit the following materials to the Executive Director:
    1. A short abstract (as described for the proposed international conference).
    2. A long abstract (no longer than 5 pages, double-spaced, 12-pt. font, including figures, excluding title page and references) needs to be emailed as a single PDF file to the Executive Director. This abstract should include: the research question, a rationale for the importance of the question, methods, results or predicted results (including selected figures if appropriate), and a discussion of the findings and their significance.
    3. A short letter (no longer than one page, single-spaced) addressing all of the evaluation criteria listed above. The location and society hosting the meeting must be indicated in the letter.
  3. The graduate student’s advisor should submit a letter of nomination for the award to the Executive Director indicating why this student’s research is worthy of the Graduate Student Award for International Conference Travel. This letter should address the criteria being used by the committee to evaluate the research (see earlier). The letter should also include a statement indicating that the majority of the work conducted for this research was completed by the student. 

Criteria for evaluating the research and applicant

  1. The research question should be original, innovative, and important.
  2. The researcher observed appropriate standards for the treatment of participants. That is, a statement certifying that ethical treatment of participants was followed in conducting this research should be included. (Note: These criteria are modified from guidelines found in the latest edition of the APA Publication Manual)
  3. The student must be the primary investigator and author of the research project, and be the presenter at the conference.
  4. The student demonstrates the potential benefits of the conference travel to their education and future/current collaboration prospects.
  5. The student must submit proof of current membership status at the time of application.

Other clarifications

Information about awards will appear in the NASPSPA Newsletter.

Student Events

Movement Challenge

This year’s NASPSPA Movement Challenge is a 3-month-long fundraiser that runs from February 1st until April 30th. All participants will strive to move throughout their daily lives as part of a competition to promote physical activity, enhance social support, and raise funds. All funds will be used to support NASPSPA student members attending the 2025 annual conference in South Lake Tahoe, California.

How it works

All individuals who register for the fundraiser will join a team with other individuals from their university. If you are a friend or family member of a NASPSPA member, you can fill in the university affiliation of your choice. Each team member will contribute to the overall movement accomplished by the team. As such, teams are encouraged to gather more group members because this will increase the movement total (e.g., total distance traveled during the challenge) and complete their movement with other team members. For example, if you went on 1-mile walk with two team members, your team will earn 3 miles team because each person walked 1 mile even though you did it together. Teams must choose a Team Captain who will be responsible for collecting and submitting all team members’ registration payments, tracking their team’s progress, connecting team members, and motivating their team. The challenge movement will include various types of movement – walk/run/use a wheelchair, cycle/handcycle/tandem cycle, and swim/aqua jog, as well as using stationary equipment (e.g., treadmill, stationary bike) or non-stationary equipment.

Are you in it to win it?

Bragging rights will be awarded based on the following:

  • Most physical activity (all types of activity count)
  • Most team members participating
  • Fastest team to collectively cover the distance from our 2024 conference location in New Orleans, Louisiana, to our 2025 location in South Lake Tahoe, California (2,334 miles, distance-based activities only)
  • Bonus: This year’s extended timeline (February–April) introduces an additional award for the team recording the most physical activity by the halfway point, March 17th.

As an added highlight, all four winning teams will be formally recognized during the Business Meeting at the 2025 NASPSPA Conference.

Registration deadline: March 1, 2025

Register here: *All team members must register. If competing with a group, make sure you choose a team captain to make ONE payment for the whole group if possible*

More details regarding tracking your distance will be provided closer to the start of the competition.

📚 Student Writing Groups (Zoom)

Looking to carve out dedicated time for your academic writing? Our student writing groups aim to provide a collaborative space where you can:

  • Work quietly on your own projects.
  • Join breakout rooms for discussions or peer support.

Winter 2025 Meeting Times (All times EST):

  • Mondays & Wednesdays | 3:00 – 6:00 PM (EST)
  • Thursdays | 12:00 – 3:00 PM (EST)

Zoom link is below and click here to access a sample Task Planner using the Pomodoro method

🎤 Research in Progress Presentations (RIPP)

During the last hour of select writing group sessions, students will have the chance to present their research ideas, designs, or findings for informal feedback in a supportive environment. These sessions are ideal for those preparing for teaching or conference presentations.

RIPP sessions will be held on the last Wednesday or Thursday of each month.

  • To present, submit your presentation title and a 300-word (max) description to

📋 How to Participate

Fill out the Google Form to express your interest and indicate availability for the upcoming sessions.

Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 225 906 8327
Passcode: 1738

We hope to see many of our student members join these exciting initiatives as we soft-launch this program ahead of a full rollout next semester!

Feel free to reach out to Leesi George-Komi at

Thank you for supporting our student community and helping NASPSPA grow as a collaborative and enriching space for all.

Masters and Ph.D. Positions


We are so excited to bring you a new way to stay connected with other NASPSPA students this year! We have launched a NASPSPA Student Connect discord server! This primary purpose of this server is for students to stay connected between conferences, network, participate in academic discussions, and have easier access to student centered resources!

Make sure you download the Discord App on your phone and/or computer.

Click here for the Discord invite link to the NASPSPA student channel.

This platform is completely customizable to fit YOUR needs! You can receive the notifications that YOU want and participate in relevant chats that fit your interests. In addition, you will get notified of events, announcements, and resources!

If you have any questions, reach out to Leesi George-Komi the NASPSPA Student Representative,