United States Center for Coaching Excellence
Are you ready for the North American Coach Development Summit?
June 17-19, 2019 in Colorado Springs, Colorado
Plan ahead for the European Congress of Sport Psychology in Munster Germany to celebrate 50 years of FEPSAC – July 15-20, 2019. Visit the FEPSAC website, read about keynotes, conference information, or view this video.
“Healthy & Active Children: Lifespan Motor Development Science & Application” is an upcoming conference in Verona, Italy co-hosted by I-MDRC (the International Motor Development Research Consortium) and CIAPSE (Congrès Internationale sur l’Activité Physique et le Sport chez l’Enfant). This conference will be held September 11-14, 2019. Visit the conference website for more information:
Please email Communication Director, Sarah Ullrich-French (, if you would like to request posting an event.