Overview of the Teaching Network
The global coronavirus pandemic that we are facing today is impacting, among many other factors, the way we need to approach research and education. One of these more immediate impacts is that many University institutions are turning to online delivery of courses. The Teaching Network was born out of conversations at the 2020 NASPSPA Virtual Conference and grew into the broader objective of creating a space for members to develop and refine their teaching expertise within the subdisciplines. Acknowledging an aim of NASPSPA is “to improve the quality of research and teaching in the psychology of sport, motor development, and motor learning and control”, a group of self-organized members developed a proposal and framework for the Teaching Network. This proposal was submitted to the Executive Committee and approved. The objective of the Teaching Network, current committee members, list of activities, and approved proposal are listed below.
The objectives of the teaching network will likely evolve over time. Presently, the objectives are:
Delivery of informative activities or workshops associated with teaching practices
Development of mechanisms to assist/promote teaching mentorship
Development of forums to enable discussions that generate solutions for educational challenges
Sharing of content-based resources to assist with in-lecture, laboratory-based and other assessments of course work
Establishing learning outcome standards associated with courses representative of MD, MLC, and SEP.
Diane Ste-Marie, University of Ottawa (Chair, diane.ste-marie@uottawa.ca)
Jenny O, Cal State East Bay
Melissa Pangelinan, Auburn University
Frank Ely, PhD Candidate, University of Windsor