To promote and support the scholarly activity of graduate student members of NASPSPA.
Students must be current members of NASPSPA to be eligible to apply for an award, and must also be currently enrolled in a Masters or Doctoral program at the time of application. Note: Collaborative projects among two or more student members of NASPSPA can be considered for receipt of this award. Students may be awarded the grant only once, regardless of whether they received it as the sole applicant or as part of a group.
Nature of the Grant
The maximum of each grant will be $2,000, with the number of grants awarded annually based on the current NASPSPA budget. The grant money must be used for activities directly related to conducting the proposed research (e.g., equipment, travel for data collection, participant recruitment) that are specified in the application budget. Grant money may not be used for conference travel. Funds can be received in one of two ways: (1) To receive awarded funds in advance of conducting the project, a recipient’s institution or department must agree to manage the funds on their behalf. The recipient’s advisor should write a letter to this effect that is included in the original grant application. Funds will be sent directly to the institution or department business office contact person. On August 31 of the year following the grant announcement, the institution or department business office is required to send the Executive Director an accounting of expenditures and to return any unspent funds. (2) Alternatively, recipients may request direct reimbursement for expenses following completion of the project. Appropriate receipts for expenditures must be sent to the Executive Director by August 31 of the year following the grant announcement. Grantees are expected to present the findings of their research at a future NASPSPA Annual Conference, no later than two conferences following the grant announcement. Grantees must acknowledge NASPSPA as a funding source in this presentation as well as any other presentations or publications stemming from the research project. Any publications stemming from work related to this grant will be sent to the Executive Director. Wording for the acknowledgement shall be: “This research was supported by a grant from the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA).”
Method of Selection
- The Graduate Student Awards Committee will evaluate applications, determine who will receive the award, and provide feedback to all applicants.
- The applicant should submit the following materials to the Executive Director as a single PDF file:
- An outline of the proposed study of up to 5 pages (not including title page and references), detailing the purpose, method, and analysis (double-spaced, 12-point font).
- Verification of Institutional Research Ethics Review Board (or equivalent) approval.
- An estimated budget for allocation of funds on research-related costs that cannot be covered by other means.
- A curriculum vitae of up to 2 pages.
- The graduate student advisor should send to the Executive Director:
- A recommendation letter indicating why the student’s research is worthy of the grant and the student’s ability to carry out the role of principal investigator.
- A statement that the budget has been evaluated and approved by the advisor, and that either (1) the home department or institution is willing to manage the funds for the amount that NASPSPA awards to the student, or (2) the student will submit receipts for reimbursement after completion of the project.
Criteria for Evaluating the Grant Application
- The research question should be original, innovative, and important, and must conform to the purpose of NASPSPA.
- The research shall have Institutional Review Board (or equivalent) approval. Evidence of approval will be required before funds are dispersed.
- The applicant must be the primary investigator on the research project.
- Students must demonstrate the potential benefits to their education and future collaboration prospects.
Other Clarifications
This award does not include funds for indirect costs to the university. Information about the grant will appear in the Newsletter.
Submission Deadline
Grant proposals and graduate advisor letters are due by April 1. The applicants will be notified of the results of the competition no later than June 1.