The poster presentation format offers an opportunity to illustrate your research graphically, using charts, photos, diagrams and text on a poster board. The format also affords an opportunity for dialogue about the research with convention attendees circulating among the poster boards. Many authors find it helpful to present a brief overview of their research followed by ample time for more in-depth discussions. One author must remain by the poster board for the duration of the assigned time for the poster session. It may be helpful to bring a one or two page handout for distribution. Include contact information such as your e-mail on the handout.
Preparing the Poster Board
Consult the Program to identify the number assigned to your presentation and use the board with the corresponding number. The author(s) should prepare all materials in advance. Materials should include:
- Title
- Authors
- Abstract
- Introduction or review of literature
- Method (including participants, measures, procedure)
- Results (visual displays such as graphs & charts are good)
- A list of key references, if appropriate
There are no fixed requirements for font style or size; however, it is important that you prepare your poster so that it is easily readable from several feet away. An example of a research poster board display appears below to stimulate some ideas. There will be instructions in the program as to when you should mount your poster.