Pre-Conference Workshops
Workshop 1: Conferencing is hard: Making the most out of the NASPSPA conference experience
Organized and facilitated by Jenny O, California State University, East Bay and Harjiv Singh, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, with panel members Penny McCullagh and Frank Ely.
Conferencing is hard. We have all been told that conferences are great for “professional development” and “networking”, but what does that even mean, and how do you do it? This pre-conference workshop will offer insights and advice on “conferencing” for graduate students and early career academicians. Attendees will leave with greater clarity on what they can do to make the most out of their NASPSPA (and other conference) experiences.
Register for Pre-Conference Workshop 1 here.
Workshop 2: How to write manuscript reviews that advance science and your career
Organized and facilitated by Alan L. Smith, Michigan State University, with panel members.
High quality peer review contributes to the health of our journals and academic disciplines, and more broadly to the advancement of science. Moreover, possessing strong reviewing skills can meaningfully benefit a scholar’s career. Strong reviewers attract the attention of scholarly leaders such as journal editors, receive editorial board and other invitations, engage with others at the cutting edge of science, and effectively navigate the publication process as they communicate their own work. Yet, it is often unclear to emerging scholars whether their time is well spent on reviewing and, if yes, how to construct rigorous and helpful reviews. This is complicated by a rapidly evolving and broadening publishing context, ever-increasing demands on scholars, and our typically informal approach to teaching reviewing skills. The purpose of this pre-conference workshop is to offer guidance on how (and why) to integrate reviewing into one’s professional work and how to produce high quality reviews. The session is open to all NASPSPA members and is highly recommended for late-stage doctoral students and early-career scholars. The workshop will consist of an overview of the peer review process and its importance to scientific progress, a panel discussion with journal editors on contemporary issues pertaining to peer review, and a work session focused on the “nuts and bolts” of producing high quality reviews.
Panel of Journal Editors
Daniela Corbetta, University of Tennessee, Journal of Motor Learning and Development
Nick Myers, Michigan State University, Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science
Mark Williams, University of Utah, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, Journal of Sports Sciences, and Human Movement Science
*Martyn Standage, University of Bath, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, will be added if able to attend the conference
Current Issues (will continue to add to this list)
Open access
Public credit/recognition for reviewing
High reviewer decline rates
Competition among journals
Models of reviewing support on campus (‘counts’ as service) à link to ORCID, etc.
Register for Pre-Conference Workshop 2 here.