The NASPSPA Executive Committee began meeting regularly in early March to discuss the impact COVID-19 (which was in its very early phases at the time) was going to have on our Annual Conference. As the COVID-19 situation rapidly progressed worldwide, so did the decisions the Executive Committee had to make regarding the conference, which was to be hosted from June 11-14, 2020 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Executive Committee maintained consistent communication with our membership regarding these decisions. Below are the email communications that were sent to our membership, followed by a video from NASPSPA President Catherine Sabiston posted on our YouTube Channel on April 8th regarding some of the recent decisions made by the Executive Committee.
To view all emails in a single file, click here.
To view each communication separately, click on the dates below.
- Email to membership on March 5, 2020
- Email to membership on March 10, 2020
- Email to membership on March 16, 2020
- Email to membership on March 18, 2020
- Email to membership on March 30, 2020
- Email to membership on April 8, 2020
- Email to membership on April 21, 2020
- Email to membership on April 28, 2020